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River Heads Family Practice

Practice Policies


    Your personal information is important to us

    The Practice recognises that your privacy is very important to you and that you have a right to control and access your personal information. We know that providing personal information is an act of trust and we take that seriously. Unless you give us explicit consent to act otherwise, the following policy will govern how the Practice handles your personal information and safeguards your privacy. The Practice is committed to protect your personal information and to you choice in who can use your personal information and how it can be used. We believe that our privacy policy not only complies with relevant laws but also represents best practice.

    Collecting personal information about you

    If you are a patient, we collect personal information about you in order to provide you with the full benefits of health care. We collect information from you directly and also from time to time thereafter if you provide us with additional information. Once you are a patient, we maintain a health care record for you and a medical history with the Practice.

    Personal information is collected in a private setting and patient records are kept inaccessible to the public. Information is only released to third parties after a signed consent form. Even so disclosure is limited to that which is authorised or required.

    Use of patient information for quality assurance and professional development is de-identified.

    Using and disclosing your personal information

    The Practice will not use or disclose any information about you without your consent unless: • Required by law • We believe it necessary to provide you with a service that you have requested • To implement our terms of use • To protect the rights or property of the Practice, any Practice user, or any member of the public. • To prevent a serious threat to a person’s health or safety. • In order to provide some services to patients, the Practice may be required to provide Patients contact details to third party suppliers of services. The Practice provides the opportunity for you to opt-out of such third party arrangements.

    When a patient transfer the Practice to another, a signed release of patient information request is required. A Health summary, a copy of recent progress notes and copies of recent results or specialist letters are then sent to the requesting Practitioner. At times, the continuing doctor is phoned up as well.

    Storage and security of your personal information

    The Practice will continue to take all reasonable steps to keep secure any personal information which we hold about you, and to keep this information accurate and up to date. Your information is stored on secure servers or is protected in controlled facilities.

    In addition, our employees and the contractors who provide services related to our information systems are obliged to respect the confidentiality of any personal information held by the Practice. However, the Practice will not be held responsible for events arising from unauthorised access to your personal information.

    You can access the information we keep about you

    If you wish to know what information we hold about you, please contact River heads family practice at 0743361199 or fax us at 0743361190 . We will respond to your request within 30 days.

    What to do if you have a problem or question

    If the Practice becomes aware of any ongoing concerns or problems with our personal health records on our system, we will take these issues seriously and word to address these concerns. If you have any further queries relating to our privacy policy, or you have a problem or complaint, please contact our Practice Manager on 0743361199.

    What do You do If you have any feedback or complaints ?

    This Practice has a process whereby complaints can formally be made to any member of staff or the Doctor on duty either personally, in writing ,by phone ,by email or fax . The practice manger also can be contacted either in person ,by phone at 0743361199 ,by email at or by fax at 0743361190 .

    You may also contact the OAIC. Generally, the OAIC will require you to give them time to respond before they will investigate. For further information visit or call the OAIC on 1300 363 992.

    We believe that problems are best dealt with within the practice. However, if you feel there is a matter you wish to take up outside the practice, you may contact: Office of the Health Ombudsman

    PO Box 13281, George Street, Brisbane Qld 4003

    P: 133 646 I E:

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